New Skate Park in Hughes/Garran area

Dave G 11:31 05/Oct/04

Hey my name is Dave Grieve some might know me...don't know might be weird...I was just hoping that there may be people living in/or near the Hughes or Garran area as I'am wanting to get a skate park built in either area as there are none that are within walking or skating distance to us. I know there are some in Weston and that area but we have to drive there or catch a bus to them, but like for me I don't want to spend forever in a car going to and from, and plus we can't spend ages there as our folks want us home at around 6pm or something around that time. And for me I have to work on Thursdays and I don't have a phone or carry money with me when i go to the park and numerous times i've missed work because i'm too far away to get there as I work at Federal Golf Course. So long story short, I need to get a heap of people to petition to the councils for a park to be built. If you need to contact me my e-mail is: or call me on 0431-051-689. Cheers for now, Dave Grieve

Beer_in _Lyons
Beer_in _Lyons 21:37 05/Oct/04

I grew up in Hughes since 88!

Me and my mates live in Lyons, we're thinking of trying to get a skatepark happening in/around Woden area.


Dave G 22:29 05/Oct/04

cool that's a sick idea, i've got some plans drawn out already and also have directions for getting it built, all i need is support from more people so if ur mates could help too that'd b sic.

Potty 00:41 06/Oct/04

Yeah we are working on it.

Beer_in _Lyons
Beer_in _Lyons 02:33 06/Oct/04

Lets build a bowl, fuck the council. Who wants to dig?

TroublePig 02:55 06/Oct/04

what a cool story

Beer_in _Lyons
Beer_in _Lyons 03:35 06/Oct/04

I can't read it for some reason, but I'm guessing it's that Creature Cove mini they made? suckers, we got the bush to hide our bowls in!

Dave G 05:47 06/Oct/04

how bout a street/vert thing. Like we have a small street course an then a pool or a bowl?

Dave G 09:25 07/Oct/04

hey potty, u were the one that filmed the girl tour right? well what happened to it all? if u can post up all of the vid. an my e-mail to the urban services guy...he accepted it an forwarded it to the top guns!

Dave G 09:31 07/Oct/04

how bout this?

re: New Skate Park in Hughes/Garran area

Dave G 09:38 07/Oct/04

just an idea from another post

cash,money,vagrant 03:04 08/Oct/04

yeah lets get shit happening in Woden. me, B_I_L , Lucky Phil all live in Lyons and would be keen as mustard to get shit happening

Dave G 03:11 09/Oct/04

cool well i've already seant an e-mail to the urban services thingo as i've probably already said, and the lady said she will forward it to the proper people and she also said she thought it was a great idea.

SomeDude 03:06 13/Oct/04

Hey is anyone keen to build some shit?
I was thinking about going out one night after midnight and building a concrete tranny onto the side of a building somewhere in woden or civic.
If it was done in a good spot maybe nobody would ark up about it

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