Resurrection of the Mini

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 22:23 05/Aug/05

Well I've made the move to cold arse Orange so it's time to resurrect the mini...
This morning's effort laying the foundations just before the missus interupted...

Resurrection of the Mini

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 22:26 05/Aug/05

As you can see from this dodgey blury photo it's cccccold here plenty of ice but no snow... yet..

RE: Resurrection of the Mini

Mo Lester 00:15 06/Aug/05

Wicked dog ! Can you post a photo of him ?

benonkoebsch 00:41 06/Aug/05

looks damn cold hoogan! keep us posted on the progress mate and tell pedro 'the boy' will see him 'laaaater'

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 07:56 06/Aug/05

After spending most of the day looking at lounges (the perils of marriage!...) and a pee wee for young Pedro I got a bit more done this arvo...
Most of the foundations are set, too dark for photos (and not much to look at for my hard yaka)
Got a helper for tomorow so may even get it finished if I don't have to look at any more lounges...!
Oh and here's another photo of Mercy (our dog) with Pedro & Mercades

RE: Resurrection of the Mini

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 22:56 06/Aug/05

Finished off the foundations & laid bearers this morning (yeah no more digging!)
Time for assembly!...

RE: Resurrection of the Mini

benonkoebsch 00:31 07/Aug/05

careful with the kinks champ... (!!!!!)

cab heel 01:29 07/Aug/05

what are they sizes like height and width of this mini?

benonkoebsch 01:49 07/Aug/05

hey hoogan, can i post a few pics of the mini when it was up in trangie?

RE: Resurrection of the Mini

benonkoebsch 01:49 07/Aug/05

woops, hope so

benonkoebsch 01:50 07/Aug/05

RE: Resurrection of the Mini

benonkoebsch 01:51 07/Aug/05

where it lay before...

RE: Resurrection of the Mini

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 08:28 07/Aug/05

Got the tranies and flat done - slashed a maiden grind...
Too dark for photos...
Should get the platties up tomorow..
When you coming up Benna?

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 09:39 07/Aug/05

Geez, you're livin in Orange? Why there? Most of my rellos live in Molong. Actually half the population of Molong are Mulhalls. hahaha..

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 10:53 07/Aug/05

Ramp's dimmensions are:
4 feet high - 6 foot radius
16 feet wide, 8 feet of flat

Why live in Orange Mick..?
Apart from a good job oportunity it's close enough to Sydney (for Bondi sessions and catching up with the relo's and old friends) without being too close to Sydney!!

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