Park builders equipment

steve t 22:59 01/Sep/05

Anyone got any pics of the sort of profiles / screed bars used to get trannies done properly?

Or a good desciption so I can sketch something and give it to these guys doing Parramatta.


drew 23:06 01/Sep/05

The guys building parramatta don't know how to build transition?

I thought this would be a prerequisite of getting the contract?

Potty 23:22 01/Sep/05


Vagabond 00:02 02/Sep/05

how to lay a curved footpath... it's just the same isn't it? To the council perhaps...

Surfer Sam 00:20 02/Sep/05

these may help

RE: Park builders equipment

Shep 00:21 02/Sep/05

I thought you set the concrete into moulds, then put it together like a big jigsaw. Then just cut a bit out of the top, and squeeze in the coping.

Surfer Sam 00:24 02/Sep/05

...I have only seen images of this being used but...

one person gets at the bottom and one at the top... grab the handles like your riding a bike, and do some forward and backward manouvers like your making love to the tranny.... the bar (v shaped thing) in the middle is there so someone can put some sideways pressure (with a handle / shovel etc.)

RE: Park builders equipment

Surfer Sam 00:26 02/Sep/05

screeding tool

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:31 02/Sep/05

everything they need is available here

RE: Park builders equipment

NIKEEEM 01:53 02/Sep/05

ha ha ha, Tranny shop.

"Hi, I'm looking for 2 of your tightest trannies please"

"Do you have any trannies with big hips and chunky lips?"

"I'm after a really kinky tranny"

I could go on for ever, I never get bored of skate/sexual inuendo jokes...

FOXA 01:58 02/Sep/05

"I'm after something smooth, with a whole heap of flow"

steve t 02:08 02/Sep/05

Cheers SS - those are perfect.

The only pre-requisite to getting the job is being the cheapest.

Surfer Sam 02:11 02/Sep/05

it happens time and time again.... it's just fucked.

..a code of practice for skatepark construction that every Council in Australia must abide by.

JOHN FOX 02:16 02/Sep/05

STOP AND THINK ...Nepean Concrete has considerable more experience than you are creditting them with. Zalem , who built BONDI hadn't built a park before and they did one of the best parks ever in Aust.
I am sure they know about radius guides, formwork etc.
Everything you do from ringing council to going on site to tell the guys how to do thier job will effect the outcome and quality of the finished job ! STOP and THINK before you PANIC.
If you guys had got CHAD to design your park you could be hating him instead of freaking out about Greek concreters..

drew 02:36 02/Sep/05

"Zalem , who built BONDI hadn't built a park before and they did one of the best parks ever in Aust"

Good, they were lucky then. There are shitloads in my area alone built by concreters with no idea about the design or build of skateparks. They are all fucked up. A complete waste of hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you have any contact with your council in regard to a proposed park, do anything you can to ensure its done by someone with a track record of good work.

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