Nubeena Bowl

Surfer Sam 08:33 18/Nov/05

...theres a hole in the ground in Nubeena (Port Arthur) awating concrete, and a bit of skaters love...

The bowl will be the first thing there, followed by more small sites along the "trail" - with yet undetermined obsticals etc....

due to start soon.

hughbert 08:38 18/Nov/05

wow i care

Battey Boy 23:46 18/Nov/05

fuck up hughbert you faggot

Surfer Sam 02:36 22/Jan/06

...The Councl started this one off, dug a hole, and then I interviened. So, another square bowl due to the shape the ground was dug..... anyways bowl will be of good size, with a few obsticals to entertain....

will be finished in 3-4 weeks.

RE: Nubeena Bowl

McFly 04:03 22/Jan/06

they can't dig the hole a different shape?

Fetus 08:32 22/Jan/06

Those wedges in the top right & bottom will be fair useless...

Maybe something like this if you have the cash...

Kinda like the spine/hip/bank hip setup at Pizzey if you have ever been there.

RE: Nubeena Bowl

Surfer Sam 21:56 22/Jan/06

nice one fetus... that would be good.... I'll have a think about it...

small budget.... as usual.

the wedges were only there to give a line to the rail....turn off them to get some speed.

I pondered long ad hard re-shaping the bowl - more to a kidney shape.... but it was dug so perfectly, and was compacted and stabilised... would have been a big effort to destroy it.

...apparently, there will be a coupla more skating "nodes" along the fore-shore. So a few more rails / street stuff in the future....

Surfer Sam 08:31 26/Jan/06

spent my week down there in the heat, and have set up the majority of the boxing... bowl should be poured soon-ish..... Still havn't met any skaters from Nubeena... maybe there are not any.

I've added a wee hump inside the bowl...... with love seat.

RE: Nubeena Bowl

Mindblank 12:18 27/Jan/06

where the hell is nubeena?

floggo 13:16 27/Jan/06

i like the love seat...noice...

rob. 15:08 31/Jan/06

nubeena, isnt that in india?

Leaf... 22:53 31/Jan/06

Hell yeah, i got a shack at nubeena! BUILD NOW!! Good school to skate at there too

Surfer Sam 08:15 01/Feb/06

Building now!!

...yet another Tassie skatepark with water views..... gotta love it. seat etc....

RE: Nubeena Bowl

Surfer Sam 08:16 01/Feb/06


RE: Nubeena Bowl

'Bigal' 21:41 07/Feb/06

awesome, i have a shack at ehn which is pretty close to nubeena, do u know when its expected to be finished?

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