Thornleigh Design Meeting

DS 01:26 13/Jan/06

Design Meeting to work out FINAL DESIGN for the Thornleigh (Brickpit Park) skate park is scheduled for Friday 10th February 6:30pm at Hornsby Shire Council Function Room 3.

Will discuss the design plans following information on sub soil conditions which required some changes to the original proposal.

DS 01:36 13/Jan/06

Original design by Redbox Design. Design is on Hornsby Shire Council website go to Recreation/Parks/Skate Parks to see original design. Proposed new design will be posted soon.

norm_06 23:35 13/Jan/06

10th of february? you do realise everyone will be down in melbourne.

alisterio 07:13 14/Jan/06

i wont be in melbourne... ill go to the meeting :D

alisterio 07:17 14/Jan/06

i just looked at the plans.... if they use those plans, that place WILL become bike/derro central

alisterio 07:18 14/Jan/06

.. plans...

RE: Thornleigh Design Meeting

Jonnie 07:59 14/Jan/06

fuck, raped by bikers

_ben 18:03 17/Jan/06

that park fucking sucks, they at least need a box on flat ground to mess around on

ryan127 02:31 24/Jan/06

or a race track.

i want to see a Ben Legget/Connor Rafferty Showdown

ryan127 14:04 28/Jan/06

its on!

ripped charri 08:34 08/Feb/06

thats sick. phatty of a euro.

Jack T 00:02 18/Feb/06

there would be a nice mini to bowl transfer, or the other way round

norman piercy 07:27 20/Jun/06

new design and another meeting on the 29th of june. it looks pretty good but the image i got sent is heaps small and in pdf.

norman piercy 07:33 20/Jun/06

yeh bra (bit big)

RE: Thornleigh Design Meeting

norman piercy 07:34 20/Jun/06

yeh bra numero 2

RE: Thornleigh Design Meeting

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