Spence Drains

Potty 11:03 13/Feb/06

Spence now has benches.

Spence Drains

Potty 11:04 13/Feb/06


RE: Spence Drains

||BLANK|| 11:08 13/Feb/06

omg that looks soo fun, where potty whereeeeeeeeeee!

Al the Spazz
Al the Spazz 11:20 13/Feb/06

why is that boy sitting on the edge of a piece of plywood?

Al the Spazz
Al the Spazz 11:21 13/Feb/06

and where the hell did those benches come from? is urban parks and services putting them in at all the drains now?

||BLANK|| 11:48 13/Feb/06

for ur correciton it is not plywood it is a very nice looking concreted bank/quater pipe thingy with a little platform on the top.

LIBERTINE 23:17 13/Feb/06

Have to get my Mariano on!

red dawg 01:14 14/Feb/06

I hope with all this construction work that the bull ants weren't harmed in any way.
They need to stay alive so they can bite my balls again next time I'm there.

Vagabond 02:24 14/Feb/06


RE: Spence Drains

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 02:28 14/Feb/06

don't worry red dawg the little bastards tried to roll me for my shoes. And Al, don't call me little.

Vagabond 02:32 14/Feb/06

Spence drains comes with it's own array of wildlife, here in between hitting the crete, Monkey Erwin makes friends with a blue tongue

(I think the Ants carried him off later...)

RE: Spence Drains

NIKEEEM 02:36 14/Feb/06

I thought that those bullants added to the charm of the spot quite nicely.

monkz 03:24 14/Feb/06

Those benches are incredibly heavy. Had it not been for my lack of girlfriend causing extreme and abnormal right arm musle growth we may have had to get a crane to move them in. Thanks go to Potty for financing and carting them around and to Fair Dinkum for excelent work on the Whipper Snipper and Leaf Blower.

NIKEEEM 03:42 14/Feb/06

Monkz, is that your killer right arm about to crush that poor Blue tounge with your vice like grip?

monkz 04:03 14/Feb/06

Sure is but I didn't crush the blue tongue, I just rubbed it realy hard until it spat on me.

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