
Deviant 07:11 30/Apr/06

As those who are avid observers of the mainstream media would know, there has been a mine collapse following an earthquake in the town of Beaconsfield in Tasmania.

Beaconsfield is a picturesque Tasmanian town, located a couple of km's inland of the north coast. The town is rich in history and the locals are excellent.

more interestingly there is a well crafted, relatively new skatepark in town. The park is one of the better parks in Tassie and an excellent park considering the size of the town.

It is located in 'RSL Park' on Weld Road. It is opposite the community centre and easily visible from the road.

The Hart Shaft and Grubb Shaft that have caught media attention are the next block up and visible in one of the photos.



Deviant 07:12 30/Apr/06

Picture 2

RE: Beaconsfield

Deviant 07:12 30/Apr/06

Picture 3

RE: Beaconsfield

Deviant 07:15 30/Apr/06

Picture 4

RE: Beaconsfield

Fetus 08:01 30/Apr/06

looks heaps misc... in the last pic the tranny on the far left (not the steel one) looks wierd & seems to have a kink in it??

rob. 15:13 01/May/06

yeah its fucked, nearly die dropping it in. the park is sick fun tho

Monkey Man 22:40 01/May/06

that park is shite

oopspoops 08:54 03/May/06

looks like the funnest park on earth!

Dix 12:10 03/May/06

its heaps of fun

Display name 12:13 03/May/06

To bad about the 2 guys stuck down the mine there, Fun park.

ILOVERBAKER 12:25 03/May/06

aparently the skatepark is directly above where the miners are.

Display name 12:32 03/May/06

nah it isnt...about 250m north-west of that.

HURR :B 08:46 09/May/06

Fuck, thats an odd park.

but pretty cool.

draphthorse 09:01 09/May/06

Plenty of different variations of funboxes

HATER HATER 09:20 09/May/06

its not to bad, theres bairly anyone there either...

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