update the site

poobumsmells 22:08 13/Aug/06

does anyone know why the parks section of the site doesnt seem to be updated anymore. for example bathurst had a new concrete parke built almost a year ago, yet it still has the pcyc park that has been removed.
theres pics of the new bathurst park on the forum somwhere, come on drew and update the site please.

drew 23:35 13/Aug/06

I dont think we ever got completed photos of bathurst. Feel free to get us some and email them in and Potty will update it.

martin_is 01:17 14/Aug/06

or the new park at franga?! its only the biggest park in the southen hemisphere! and theyres pics everywhere on it.

Ville 01:22 14/Aug/06

looks wicked,tempted 2 check it out sometime soon martin!

martin_is 01:37 14/Aug/06

im going there in sept. cant wait. that death bowl looks soo sick! 10-14'!
but the skatepark directory here does it no justice.

Ville 01:52 14/Aug/06

really?? fuck...sounds & looks awsome!

martin_is 04:10 14/Aug/06

sure is. dustin did a huge kicky fakie in the deep end of the bowl. the park opening was in slam. the one with that sick tree ride on the cover.

Ville 05:14 14/Aug/06

oh yeah i no the! HYPE!!!

Potty 00:53 15/Aug/06

The reason we don't have all the parks update is because I have had 2 operations on my ass and have been unable to skate since November. Driving to great new skate parks and not being able to skate them has not been my asses top priority.

jaded 1 03:29 15/Aug/06

lol thats a lame ass excuse
get it? haha

martin_is 03:45 15/Aug/06

ha ha, well we all know its a good park.
get someone else to rate it. and you just doo all the tech computer shit. 'Potty'
sorry bout the ass thing too.
oh and i wasnt trying to piss anyone off.

Leigh Boom 08:46 16/Aug/06

There's nothing stopping you from sending the lads your own photos of anything thats not in the parks section thats how this site began with everyone sending the pics just make sure they show everything in a good light...

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 09:11 16/Aug/06

Yeah Leigh Boom I encourage

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 09:22 16/Aug/06

Yeah Leigh Boom I encourage everyone to send in pics and details (as per parks section) of parks not listed on the site.

Potty/Drew or whoever runs this sight have always promtly updated the parks section when I have sent in details...

I must say it frustrates me when I go travelling and look up parks knowing there are shitloads more unlisted...

In terms of finding parks not listed I always ring the local councils direct as they own 95% of the skateparks in Oz (actually I get the missus to ring as we come into each shire/town - she has in down pat now, it's always the same...

"I was wondering if Council had any skate parks in <town/shire>?"
"<Repeat> , you know as skateboard"
and the reply is invariably
"I don't know I'll just check.."

martin_is 10:45 16/Aug/06

i live in tas and im going to melbourne i would like to find more out about new parks in vicco.i have pics of parks around tassie but where do i email them?

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