Altona Meadows coming along

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Clicketty clack clack clack! !! Coping done n dusted all we need is good weather and we can get this wee beauty up n runnin! #cspboyzz #concreteskateparks #forevercoping #tugunskatepark

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Roly poly #tugunskatepark #cspboyzz #concreteskateparks

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

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csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

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csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Thats right our patient little friends #noblepark park will be open and ready for schralpin on this Wednesday coming. official opening to be on the 19th of august. So get yer arses down there and enjoy. @baseplatedesign #cspboyzz #concreteskateparks #buildndestroy #skateparksbuiltbyskaters

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Murder on the dancefloor... Rail daaawgz get siked #tugunskatepark #concreteskateparks #cspboyzz #buildndestroy #skateparksbuiltbyskaters

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

#cspboyzz @cuntoxman gettin heavy after a days work in the belly of the beast. #concreteskateparks #noblepark fences down Wednesday everyone its been a process but its happening tear it to shreds!! #skateparksbuiltbyskaters ?

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Nescafe blend 69, #tugunskatepark #concreteskateparks #freshcrete #cspboyzz

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Nescafe blend 99. #tugunskatepark The bent wang is finished and looks fun az fuuurk! #tugunskatepark #cspboyzz #concreteskateparks

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

@raddada sending through the goods, heres our mate jesse (@nutoriousred) shredding as usual with a hip gap taily on the barrier, noble park officially open now, go get some people... #concreteskateparks #cspboyzz

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Another ripper from @raddada here we have eden shredlord that is @reecewarren_ attacking the barrier with a hurricane at our recently open #noblepark in melbs.

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

@hurricaneseason comin in mack 10 with a boardy up the rail at #noblepark @raddada with the lense skillz #cspboyzz #concreteskateparks

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Pour no.1 for tugoss! Gonna be a good grind this one! #concreteskateparks #cspboyzz #buildndestroy #tugunskatepark

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

Since 1991..

csp boyz 11:08 01/Sep/15

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