nah this gap is at the end of the ferguson st pier going from the circle thing on the ground into the carpark. flats... rails are thin, theres a ten stair the same landing etc. Its the big building on the right just after the roundabout coming from the skatepark along the strand
12:16 16/Dec
I'd rather skate somewhere where people arn't going to rack your gear. All the scummy park sluts and lurkers just shit me.
I'll rephrase this
Local Skaters - 5/10
Local Bikers - 2/10
Local Lurkers 1/10
as if lurkers are ever going to get a good rating
Sweet itll keep all you spoilt brats from the east away.....
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Newport Effort 12:20 04/Jan/06
nah this gap is at the end of the ferguson st pier going from the circle thing on the ground into the carpark. flats... rails are thin, theres a ten stair the same landing etc. Its the big building on the right just after the roundabout coming from the skatepark along the strand
Mathias 01:54 08/Jan/06
12:16 16/Dec
I'd rather skate somewhere where people arn't going to rack your gear. All the scummy park sluts and lurkers just shit me.
I'll rephrase this
Local Skaters - 5/10
Local Bikers - 2/10
Local Lurkers 1/10
as if lurkers are ever going to get a good rating
F.U.S.D 07:04 12/Jan/06
Sweet itll keep all you spoilt brats from the east away.....
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