Countdown to Civic

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:15 18/Aug/05


RE: Countdown to Civic

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:15 18/Aug/05


RE: Countdown to Civic

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:15 18/Aug/05


RE: Countdown to Civic

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:16 18/Aug/05


RE: Countdown to Civic

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:16 18/Aug/05


RE: Countdown to Civic

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 01:16 18/Aug/05


RE: Countdown to Civic

Surfer Sam 01:43 18/Aug/05

whats it like to skate??

Pig. 02:00 18/Aug/05

cheers for the pics dinkum!
Looks awesome

Vagabond 23:16 18/Aug/05

the resident posse of drunkards, rollerbladers, bikes, mountain bikes, kiddies, parents, basketballers, observers oh and some skateboarders were there yesterday.. slippery with concrete dust more than 2 people on the park at a time makes it busy - fun though. Something new in Canberra is a novelty

LIBERTINE 23:54 18/Aug/05

down there definitely tonight!

civic*+pidgeon 11:37 28/Aug/05

dead thred dead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead thredvvvdead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead threddead thred DEAD THREAD !!! DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!vvvvvDEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!DEAD THREAD !!!

flat liner

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