Generator + Lights

Justin Sawell 04:13 30/Nov/05

get married. your life will never be the same.

Marry a supermodel for a real change...

Bennay 08:37 03/Dec/05

El Duderino he didn't say to totally box it in so that no noise gets out what-so-ever, a blanket would muffle the sound & still allow air to get in.

Also be sure to turn off your generator & let it sit for a while before you pack it into your car, avoids the nasty smells in your car, unless you're rob dyrdek & drive a fuckin huge GMC with an airtight generator box in it, then you shoudln't really worry that much.

McFly 08:58 03/Dec/05

you dont have to use 500w globes in the floods, thats just the their max capacity. downsize the globe and get at least three source points for even coverage. use a decent globe (sylvania, osram etc.) they will cost more but the output can be almost double out of the same wattage globe.

Eli 01:11 04/Dec/05

I run 2 of those cheap genny's with 4 of those yellow stands.
To do this you need to run 150watt globes in them.

Those GMC genny's say 750 watt but that is a peak output measurement and are rated to 550watts constant so be carefull not to overload them.
I load each genny to about 600w (4x150w) and this is ample for an average bowl.
I've got the second genny for that extra bit of kick and tunes.

The whole rig cost me about $200 per genny set up.
This consists of,
1x genny ($98)
2x25m extension cords($30)
1 power board($10)
2x light stands($70)

Extra things that make life easier and better are,

an extra extension cord for bigger bowls/parks, or you can put the genny furtheraway.

Small gerry can for spare juice, so you can roll for as long as you want, not just as long as the tanks last

And spare globes, of course.

Latte machine is optional.

Esky is not!

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