Ugly,Loud,Monster roll for fin

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 01:12 04/Jan/06

a lit up session...still findin' me feet though, should be fun...(after a few stretches, get this bloody groin sorted out, heh-heh)

rollerball666 01:57 04/Jan/06

going to get to monster on the 9th Cam??

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 04:30 04/Jan/06

U betcha Paul, had a roll with Steve Hig' the other day, he said he saw ya'...he was then headin' out to Monster' to check it out, I couldn't go man...bummin' heh-heh, next time...

Cam Ward
Cam Ward 04:31 04/Jan/06

Come 2-nite fer a roll Paul ! I'll be bringin' a couple a beers to numb the pain'

CHELL 07:01 07/Jan/06

oh narce . il be theyre

GroundHangers 12:41 07/Jan/06

I had a life size pic of JD that i left at the Bra on the SOSSJ Sat, so pissed off too. He missed out on so much fun that weekend. Zeee Bhaaaa Deho.

RE: Ugly,Loud,Monster roll for fin

rollerball666 21:09 07/Jan/06

Yeah I was hanging out with him on the friday night....bummer you still dont have it...can you make anouther one???How did you print it out...just on your pc???would love to make a new one...

GroundHangers 10:21 08/Jan/06

Im out of damn ink but i have the program if you want it. Its only small and id be able to email it to you if you want it.
I think it was about 15 pages to get close to a lifesize pic. Im sure that you have a few pics of him to use. I used that one of him because it was the last time i seen him.

GroundHangers 10:27 08/Jan/06

Actually heres the link:

or if you want that same pick let me know.

It wouldnt be the same if he wasnt there!

rollerball666 23:29 08/Jan/06

Sick...will check it all out....Weather is not looking good for tonight...oh well...will be thinking of him

rollerball666 23:39 08/Jan/06

Can you email me that pic....???


Justin Sawell 01:52 09/Jan/06

Weather seems to be clearing up.

How fast does the ramp dry?

Still on for tonight?

boris 03:25 09/Jan/06

The ramp dries fast. If its clear it's on!

GroundHangers 04:10 09/Jan/06

Sent Paul!

rollerball666 04:28 09/Jan/06

That pic hasnt turned up in my email...but will look again later...wont be able to get a full size one made up for tonight but thats ok...I got that program ..looks good...will make one up later on for sure..

Tonight looks like it will be on....wether is looking better.....lookout as the nulla will be there as well(Steve and Mick Higham)

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