for the oldies

sickboys 10:55 10/Apr/06

yeh sketchy-ass park. when i was there it was slippery and tweaked as fuck. couldnt really do much

RootSystem 08:20 11/Apr/06

Blameless, where abouts have you been skating?

blameless 12:22 11/Apr/06

All over RS, Bayswater, Belmont, Kwinana. Heading for Boyanup/Margaret River in a couple of weeks :-)

RootSystem 01:20 12/Apr/06

Boyanup's been absolutely covered in that nasty anti-graf paint which makes it similar to ice-skating :S we are going to cover it in coke next run up which will tack it out a little bit but also make it a little slower. sing out when your coming down maybe we can hook up a sesh.

blameless 10:52 12/Apr/06

That's a shame RS, it skated beautiful last time I was over. Hopefully the coke wil sort it out.I'll definitely give you a heads up when I'm heading down.

HURR :B 05:50 14/Apr/06

Renton miller went there.

It should be in aust.
I love the second pic..with all the humps and shit.

blameless 07:08 14/Apr/06

I've got a UK skate mag with Jake Brown about 5 foot out the top of the pool on the cover...awesome.

Eli 09:06 17/Apr/06

Some mates and I regularly crank out the genny and lights for a night sesh, email me at

and I'll word you up!

blameless 11:24 04/May/06

Just had a copy of the new Deat DVD sent over from the UK, heaps of Harrow/Rom footage in there plus some good Oregon stuff too.

twenty flight rock
twenty flight rock 04:37 05/May/06

ashmore queensland 1980

RE: for the oldies

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