I hear what your saying Baz, but as John said previously, constructing a Skatepark out of a material to suit both vehicles may be a solution. However, I find common respect and etiquette prevail. I've had my fair dealings with bikes and even shoulder charged, unintentionally of course, copping a handle bar in the thigh and a foot peg in the ankle, which put me off for 2 months.
I also have nearly got in fights over those bike-riders who don't give a hoot about other riders and will do anything to make it their park only.
The fact is, its a community park and every rider should learn to get along with each other, not bitch and fight, cuz the later only gets you wound up in the slammer without skates/board.
I don't mean any disrespect but the fact is they're skateparks(roller skaters are more than welcome) more durable materials would not resolve the collision concerns, especially for little kids.Bikes need bikeparks.If they desire the style of parks skaters have for themselves then they should model their proposals on like designs adapted for bikeridingYou cant take your soccer ball down to the footy oval when the games on just because they have goalposts.
i dont hate riders that much, but what i do hate is when they get dirt and bits of gravel on the ramp, which they generaly only go half way up on, i might add, and then I have to sweep the whole flat with a broom with half a handle because a biker ran over my broom.
I've had my kids grow up under similar circumstances, and 9 outta 10 times, its usually the other riders who don't allow the lil's have a fair go. There's been times my kids wanted to ride the bikes on the Skatepark, and sure enough, they did, with out much trouble, but the bikeriders who were fullsteaming ahead on skatetracks and not allowing space for lil's caused major troub's.
Sure, the bikeriders should get their own bikepark, as they have with their biketracks, which are scattered all over the Sydney CBD, NSW & Australia, but there will always be a time when a bikerider ventures into a SKATEPARK, even when we're there.
My Question is, who is to police the rules? And then we're back to square one!
I was at a skatepark yestereday where a 3-4 y.o. kid was learning to ride a skateboard, with Dad on the side, and we all stood back to let him do his thing. I skated on another part of the track. I said to his old man afterwards, "Another Pro-Skater in the making" and we both laughed. It was all about having a go, and havin' a good time skatin'.....
Teach your kids to ride a bike or a skateboard on the footpath or drivewaylike I did.
Too many times theres kids who can even move 2 meteres without falling over or just stand on ramps .
No hate we all started somewhere but I never skated a park till I had the basics down and its prven with crossing the road kids side vision doesnt exist.
Atleast bring em to the park early when noones around.
Thats what I'm all about Mr Beanstalk sir.Those times are absolute gold. 100% pure fun. As for who's to police to blowins, I'm not sure either .I wouldn't like the police hanging round the park either that would only make more trouble.
In America you can get fined if a rider is caught on a skatepark, If you want this to happen then prepare for the consequences, In america you can get arrested for Skateing or Riding in public places. All we have todo is learn to watch out for one another, When ever im at a park i will move if im in someones way, be it a blader,skater or rider. Ive been at some parks, espicially Camberwell In Melbourne where the riders think they own the park, And i can honestly tell you that when ive been there i have never acted as if it was a bikepark. I Beleive that you show respect to others then they will show you it back. End of story
At camden skatepark, its has a bike ban on it.......about 60-70% of people who use the park on a regular baisi are bike riders....even on friday nights which have been claimed as an all skate night!!!!!!......and so whene ver their are excess of over 10 bikes or more....or there are bike riders getting out of hand and making things un safe we have been told to ring the police and they will come down and fine them.....if they dont manage to find out the police are on their way and acram that is
WORKS GREAT...because they know only to use the park when no one is their and when little skaters are around to take their riding down a notch...or whena group or skaters come along we have the right of way :D:D:D
I'm gonna start skating at BMX tracks. I'm gonna do grinds and blunts on dirt jump setups. I'm gonna burn the BMX obstacles at Monster! REVOLUTION!
I used to like the deal we all had goin at Five Dock. Whenever someone was about to drop in, you had to shout "I'm in!" I wonder if we'll have to start that one up again Mark.
I'm in the habit of bellowing 'OI!' at the BMXicans when dropping/rolling in....does'nt always help though because not only are they blind, but deaf as well. Threats of physical violence are usually met with teenage 'whats up your arse' sort of looks.
I saw on another site a bloke had fitted his pointy nosed Skaterbuilt Groundhog with a metal noseguard filed to a sharp point. Apparently in was very good at clearing BMXicans - particularly when fired at them at high speed. Me? I want one! There is also another deck that has pitchfork stylee points on the front, and it comes with insturctions for cutting the points in various configurations. Even the ad says its good for 'fruitbooters, delivery boys, scooters etc.'. I'll try and find a pic.
try laying those tyre popper things the pigs use at your local dirt BMX track!
scatter puncture giving bindis around the outta edges of your skatepark!
bikers are fine and usually respect skaters.
except little kids that dont know n e better.
but im sure they could learn to not sit in groups at the top of banks n such.
Traditionally the skater skating has the right of way until they slam,bail or cut out.The shout of 'i'm in' or the surf style 'OI!' can also work well cutting down the first wall duels.I recently attended a council skatepark design meeting and one of their aims for the design was to have maxium amount of kids skateing at any one given time which turned away from bowl or halfpipe style parks leaning more towards the small obstacle flatspace type of park so we'll have to be on their tail on the benifits of trannies,round wall and bigger more challenging obstacles before it turnes into flat expances of square meter allotments allocated for freestyle skateing only.
Since when did you stop skating BMX Tracks Mick??? Thought you were still doing that sorta thing.
I always liked the idea of saying ya 'IN' or 'OI, Gett outta the way before I slam Ya....' down the run to the bowl' antics, and they always proved affective, however, there were the odd times I just had to have a bottlo' fight across the park just to prove the point with the BMXer's.
In this case, I reckon the police getting involved will only cause more dramas between the codes, and Mr. T.B.S. BAZza, ya certainly are on to something but I stills reckon teaching the upo and coming about ethics.
Sure, get as many kids as ya can into a skatie park, and make the Council llookk ggoodd, but unless they learn to get along, with their same age group and higher, (Pro-Skater) codes, there aint gonna have a good time. Respecting each others is the name of the game.
Last week I was waiting for a turn in a skatie park, but there were alot more kids than proskaters, so we give them a go more, thinking 'I'll get me turn soon???'
Get Big Fink at the next meeting. That'll pursuade the riders to 'KEEP OUT'
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bikes have no place at skateparks
Beanstalk 00:38 29/May/06
I hear what your saying Baz, but as John said previously, constructing a Skatepark out of a material to suit both vehicles may be a solution. However, I find common respect and etiquette prevail. I've had my fair dealings with bikes and even shoulder charged, unintentionally of course, copping a handle bar in the thigh and a foot peg in the ankle, which put me off for 2 months.
I also have nearly got in fights over those bike-riders who don't give a hoot about other riders and will do anything to make it their park only.
The fact is, its a community park and every rider should learn to get along with each other, not bitch and fight, cuz the later only gets you wound up in the slammer without skates/board.
T.B.S.BAZ 00:59 29/May/06
I don't mean any disrespect but the fact is they're skateparks(roller skaters are more than welcome) more durable materials would not resolve the collision concerns, especially for little kids.Bikes need bikeparks.If they desire the style of parks skaters have for themselves then they should model their proposals on like designs adapted for bikeridingYou cant take your soccer ball down to the footy oval when the games on just because they have goalposts.
caveman 02:37 29/May/06
i dont hate riders that much, but what i do hate is when they get dirt and bits of gravel on the ramp, which they generaly only go half way up on, i might add, and then I have to sweep the whole flat with a broom with half a handle because a biker ran over my broom.
Beanstalk 05:37 29/May/06
I've had my kids grow up under similar circumstances, and 9 outta 10 times, its usually the other riders who don't allow the lil's have a fair go. There's been times my kids wanted to ride the bikes on the Skatepark, and sure enough, they did, with out much trouble, but the bikeriders who were fullsteaming ahead on skatetracks and not allowing space for lil's caused major troub's.
Sure, the bikeriders should get their own bikepark, as they have with their biketracks, which are scattered all over the Sydney CBD, NSW & Australia, but there will always be a time when a bikerider ventures into a SKATEPARK, even when we're there.
My Question is, who is to police the rules? And then we're back to square one!
I was at a skatepark yestereday where a 3-4 y.o. kid was learning to ride a skateboard, with Dad on the side, and we all stood back to let him do his thing. I skated on another part of the track. I said to his old man afterwards, "Another Pro-Skater in the making" and we both laughed. It was all about having a go, and havin' a good time skatin'.....
GREASED UP DEAF GUY 06:32 29/May/06
Teach your kids to ride a bike or a skateboard on the footpath or drivewaylike I did.
Too many times theres kids who can even move 2 meteres without falling over or just stand on ramps .
No hate we all started somewhere but I never skated a park till I had the basics down and its prven with crossing the road kids side vision doesnt exist.
Atleast bring em to the park early when noones around.
T.B.S.BAZ 07:30 29/May/06
Thats what I'm all about Mr Beanstalk sir.Those times are absolute gold. 100% pure fun. As for who's to police to blowins, I'm not sure either .I wouldn't like the police hanging round the park either that would only make more trouble.
lowlux 09:25 29/May/06
In America you can get fined if a rider is caught on a skatepark, If you want this to happen then prepare for the consequences, In america you can get arrested for Skateing or Riding in public places. All we have todo is learn to watch out for one another, When ever im at a park i will move if im in someones way, be it a blader,skater or rider. Ive been at some parks, espicially Camberwell In Melbourne where the riders think they own the park, And i can honestly tell you that when ive been there i have never acted as if it was a bikepark. I Beleive that you show respect to others then they will show you it back. End of story
gallantry is black? 11:40 29/May/06
At camden skatepark, its has a bike ban on it.......about 60-70% of people who use the park on a regular baisi are bike riders....even on friday nights which have been claimed as an all skate night!!!!!!......and so whene ver their are excess of over 10 bikes or more....or there are bike riders getting out of hand and making things un safe we have been told to ring the police and they will come down and fine them.....if they dont manage to find out the police are on their way and acram that is
WORKS GREAT...because they know only to use the park when no one is their and when little skaters are around to take their riding down a notch...or whena group or skaters come along we have the right of way :D:D:D
Michael Mulhall 17:14 29/May/06
I'm gonna start skating at BMX tracks. I'm gonna do grinds and blunts on dirt jump setups. I'm gonna burn the BMX obstacles at Monster! REVOLUTION!
I used to like the deal we all had goin at Five Dock. Whenever someone was about to drop in, you had to shout "I'm in!" I wonder if we'll have to start that one up again Mark.
bondiboy66 22:26 29/May/06
I'm in the habit of bellowing 'OI!' at the BMXicans when dropping/rolling in....does'nt always help though because not only are they blind, but deaf as well. Threats of physical violence are usually met with teenage 'whats up your arse' sort of looks.
I saw on another site a bloke had fitted his pointy nosed Skaterbuilt Groundhog with a metal noseguard filed to a sharp point. Apparently in was very good at clearing BMXicans - particularly when fired at them at high speed. Me? I want one! There is also another deck that has pitchfork stylee points on the front, and it comes with insturctions for cutting the points in various configurations. Even the ad says its good for 'fruitbooters, delivery boys, scooters etc.'. I'll try and find a pic.
GUMBY!!! 00:22 30/May/06
try laying those tyre popper things the pigs use at your local dirt BMX track!
scatter puncture giving bindis around the outta edges of your skatepark!
bikers are fine and usually respect skaters.
except little kids that dont know n e better.
but im sure they could learn to not sit in groups at the top of banks n such.
T.B.S.BAZ 07:09 30/May/06
Traditionally the skater skating has the right of way until they slam,bail or cut out.The shout of 'i'm in' or the surf style 'OI!' can also work well cutting down the first wall duels.I recently attended a council skatepark design meeting and one of their aims for the design was to have maxium amount of kids skateing at any one given time which turned away from bowl or halfpipe style parks leaning more towards the small obstacle flatspace type of park so we'll have to be on their tail on the benifits of trannies,round wall and bigger more challenging obstacles before it turnes into flat expances of square meter allotments allocated for freestyle skateing only.

Beanstalk 09:55 30/May/06
Since when did you stop skating BMX Tracks Mick??? Thought you were still doing that sorta thing.
I always liked the idea of saying ya 'IN' or 'OI, Gett outta the way before I slam Ya....' down the run to the bowl' antics, and they always proved affective, however, there were the odd times I just had to have a bottlo' fight across the park just to prove the point with the BMXer's.
In this case, I reckon the police getting involved will only cause more dramas between the codes, and Mr. T.B.S. BAZza, ya certainly are on to something but I stills reckon teaching the upo and coming about ethics.
Sure, get as many kids as ya can into a skatie park, and make the Council llookk ggoodd, but unless they learn to get along, with their same age group and higher, (Pro-Skater) codes, there aint gonna have a good time. Respecting each others is the name of the game.
Last week I was waiting for a turn in a skatie park, but there were alot more kids than proskaters, so we give them a go more, thinking 'I'll get me turn soon???'
Get Big Fink at the next meeting. That'll pursuade the riders to 'KEEP OUT'
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