Even more Spence madness

red dawg 02:57 30/May/06

fair dinkum, I thought admission was drinking a glass of spence purified brown water.

Potty, has your hair turned red yet?

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 03:05 30/May/06

Red Dawg that's if you want to become part of the gang. And your bottle of water is chilling in the bong red dawg.

Monkey Man 03:21 30/May/06

shit a brick....
you guys should of built Bondi street course

krim 04:12 30/May/06

skated that shit yesterday! its sick.

red dawg 04:19 30/May/06

Yeah, I'm spewin. I left my hose there too.

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 05:50 30/May/06

did you bring a parking block Krim?

DNP07 08:13 30/May/06


SYLVA. 08:22 30/May/06

that looks fun as
is the crete smooth or rough???
manny pad/block looks sweet

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 02:24 31/May/06

this is the next thing I'm going to put in.

RE: Even more Spence madness

Monkey Man 05:12 31/May/06

might need a DA for that obstacle FD?

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 05:46 31/May/06


fair dinkum
fair dinkum 05:50 31/May/06

Dirty Asian?

RE: Even more Spence madness

drew 06:06 31/May/06

dildo abrasion?

Worthington 07:47 31/May/06

BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dirty asian that's classic!!

fair dinkum
fair dinkum 00:46 01/Jun/06

I'm still waiting Monkey Man...

And to anyone interested in the D.I.Y jobs at spence, I need a large pile of old bricks, some chicken wire, any bits of bar rio you can find, and about ten of your mates to stand around and drink beer and tell me how they would do it.

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