Mona Vale Vert...Upgrade or pull down??

Justin Sawell 04:55 02/Jun/06

Geez, a year or so to fix up the latest mutilation?

See if you can get permission for us to re-surface it ourselves.

I'm sure that there are 10 or so folks on this site who would contribute some masonite,screws, booze and time to get it done over the long weekend.

I'd be keen to get MV ramp fixed as I am regularly out there on business and would love to have a roll after hours.

JOHN FOX 06:11 02/Jun/06

What is the "committee" ? If they aren't doing anything yet why is there a fence around the ramp ?

sickboys 06:28 02/Jun/06

I just sessioned it this arvo before the rain. its fuckin sick, best condition i've ever skated it in. All the plys have been screwed down perfect and the old rusty pieces have been replaced. Apart from the kinks half way up the transitions its more or less perfect. so stoked, look forward to seeing people there.

p o c o 00:48 03/Jun/06

the fence was there because it was recently deemed unfit to be ridden..i was aware that they'd repaired it. it really does need to be completely stripped i think..the wooden lining has communities of dickcheese growing within it.

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