[i sent an email and got an update] (Dspence is not me)
Council has called tenders for the construction of the Berowra Skate Park which close on 31st August. A report is proposed to go to Council in either September or October to recommend a preferred tenderer. The construction certificate is being considered now and should be finalised by then. Once Council has recommended a preferred tenderer, construction should commence pretty much straight away. It will be tight, but the skate park might be able to be finished before Christmas. A lot depends on whether the report goes to Council in September or October.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
kind regards
Dana Spence
Parks Asset Coordinator
9847-6896 (t)
9847-6929 (f)
0438-103-162 (m)
Too true about being wrecked. They should not bother building it at all.
I'm sure we'd all prefer no skateparks at all than totally shit ones.
berowra has started being built they have been diging up the dirt and cutting trees and stuff. bout time
skram, im copying and pasting all ur comments into a file which the internet cops will look at,
Blake - u serious? FUCK YEAH!
yep all the berowra ppl have been saying theyve started n shit cant wait til its finished
im psyched for the fact that SOMETHING is actually happening, im not too psyched on the fact that in reality, its gonna be like super midgeted than what plan says, maybe we need a human scale size figure in the plan... (come on photoshop nerds)
blake - i went there today, unless i looked in the corner then theyve done like, nothing... AT ALL... DE-PSYCHED
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scott_03 11:32 13/Sep/05
[i sent an email and got an update] (Dspence is not me)
Council has called tenders for the construction of the Berowra Skate Park which close on 31st August. A report is proposed to go to Council in either September or October to recommend a preferred tenderer. The construction certificate is being considered now and should be finalised by then. Once Council has recommended a preferred tenderer, construction should commence pretty much straight away. It will be tight, but the skate park might be able to be finished before Christmas. A lot depends on whether the report goes to Council in September or October.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
kind regards
Dana Spence
Parks Asset Coordinator
9847-6896 (t)
9847-6929 (f)
0438-103-162 (m)
the_artist 03:21 15/Sep/05
Too true about being wrecked. They should not bother building it at all.
I'm sure we'd all prefer no skateparks at all than totally shit ones.
blake' 12:51 15/Sep/05
berowra has started being built they have been diging up the dirt and cutting trees and stuff. bout time
singha_is 15:37 15/Sep/05
skram, im copying and pasting all ur comments into a file which the internet cops will look at,
Blake - u serious? FUCK YEAH!
blake' 10:51 16/Sep/05
yep all the berowra ppl have been saying theyve started n shit cant wait til its finished
singha_is 14:51 16/Sep/05
im psyched for the fact that SOMETHING is actually happening, im not too psyched on the fact that in reality, its gonna be like super midgeted than what plan says, maybe we need a human scale size figure in the plan... (come on photoshop nerds)
singha_is 07:31 19/Sep/05
blake - i went there today, unless i looked in the corner then theyve done like, nothing... AT ALL... DE-PSYCHED
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