san remo park ???

SLAYTANIC 07:21 26/Oct/05

Lets just say,it will be new and something diff to skate,lads in Newy are due for new parkage and personally,i am quite stoked to get something new

Justin Sawell 23:14 26/Oct/05

I agree slaytanic - it's a definite improvement on the existing dearth of quality grind material. Being at the bottom of my street is a bonus.

Bring it on!

SLAYTANIC 23:49 26/Oct/05

Fuck yeah i will be there with some bells on

Cozmick Avenger 22:17 29/Oct/05

The plan shown is not final product. In short, square bowlend and 9' wall out, kidney pool in! Yesssss!!!!! To view go to coast xmas present. Thanks John.

Cozmick Avenger 05:50 30/Oct/05

comin' right at ya.

RE: san remo park ???

John Harle 08:56 31/Oct/05

yes only 8 weeeks till xmas

SLAYTANIC 09:11 31/Oct/05

ooooooh baby,man Jason Ellis our best skateboarder will have to make an appearance,you know,teach it a lesson

Cozmick Avenger 09:17 31/Oct/05

Ya there slaytanic ? Sean (Gravel Burns) and I are off to Slam this wed nite to sk8 with some other olde skate dogs. Get there!

SLAYTANIC 09:38 31/Oct/05

Oi man i am going on ednesday man,i finish work at Newy Perm at 5pm and then i am leaving straight away

Justin Sawell 22:27 10/Nov/05

I saw the construction last night while taking my daughter for a walk. Convic sign on the gate. The bowl is 90% complete, only the drain needs to be finished.

Gonna be a great ride, but it looks deeper than the picture above shows. The rest is still dirt mounds but can't be long until it's finished.

For those looking for it - the new bowl isn't at the "slab" near the lake as shown in the "Skatepark Locator". It's in the "Excrement Sports Park BMX track" thing near the power station turnoff at San Remo.

I tried to get some photos but there wasn't enough light, even for the "night vision" feature of my camera. Grrrr.
Definitely tomorrow.

sylva skater 10:47 11/Nov/05

yeh get some pics

SLAYTANIC 21:28 11/Nov/05

hell yeah sylva and the front page shot of phil moistens me Holmesville looks fun

Justin Sawell 23:01 11/Nov/05

In the BMX park, approaching the bowl

RE: san remo park ???

Justin Sawell 23:04 11/Nov/05

Still a lot of work to be done. Ledges...

RE: san remo park ???

Justin Sawell 23:06 11/Nov/05

The bowl looks pretty tight and deep.

RE: san remo park ???

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