sorry about the late reply, i've been busy with uni crap. Well to be honest, i'm not on the commitee anymore, i havnt been for a while. dana (sk8pars co-ordinator for berowra and thornleigh) has selected two little groms, i dunno who they are, to be on the commitee instead of me and simon.
As far as the laterst update goes.. i'm as much in the dark as u. The timeline i was given about berowra, as far as i remember (i lost it) , sed that construction shoudl have started at the turn of this financial year which didnt happen. What i do no is tendering has finished and convict has designed and will be constructing the park..and rumor goes construction will be starting pretty soon (hopefully b 4 the end of the year).
With thornleigh - mm again i no as much as u. i went to the design meeting for the park, which convic is again designing. i managed to get enuf groms together for them to incoperate a miniramp into the design which is pretty sik. Timeframe of construction? Put it this way: I began rallying, calling skaters together when i was 14 years old, when i was heaps into skating, and now i'm 19 and i'm only seeing it come into fruition this year, so yeh.. keep on pushin and turning up to design meetings and you'll get ur thornleigh park! even if it is for the next generation of skaters (for me it is u guys).
If you really want to know what happening, at the beggining of this thread (and the other one i think) is danas e-mail and phone number, get hold of her and she'll tell ya whats happening.
hmm maybe jsut her phone number.. heres her e-mail addy:
hahaha its funny how everythings 3d then the water fountain thing is like flat, HAHAHA! Made my day.
That's a pretty sick park. I live close to Thornleigh so I might check it out when it opens.
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Ru§tY 09:02 12/Oct/05
sorry about the late reply, i've been busy with uni crap. Well to be honest, i'm not on the commitee anymore, i havnt been for a while. dana (sk8pars co-ordinator for berowra and thornleigh) has selected two little groms, i dunno who they are, to be on the commitee instead of me and simon.
As far as the laterst update goes.. i'm as much in the dark as u. The timeline i was given about berowra, as far as i remember (i lost it) , sed that construction shoudl have started at the turn of this financial year which didnt happen. What i do no is tendering has finished and convict has designed and will be constructing the park..and rumor goes construction will be starting pretty soon (hopefully b 4 the end of the year).
With thornleigh - mm again i no as much as u. i went to the design meeting for the park, which convic is again designing. i managed to get enuf groms together for them to incoperate a miniramp into the design which is pretty sik. Timeframe of construction? Put it this way: I began rallying, calling skaters together when i was 14 years old, when i was heaps into skating, and now i'm 19 and i'm only seeing it come into fruition this year, so yeh.. keep on pushin and turning up to design meetings and you'll get ur thornleigh park! even if it is for the next generation of skaters (for me it is u guys).
If you really want to know what happening, at the beggining of this thread (and the other one i think) is danas e-mail and phone number, get hold of her and she'll tell ya whats happening.
Ru§tY 09:05 12/Oct/05
hmm maybe jsut her phone number.. heres her e-mail addy:
singha_is 13:52 15/Oct/05
hahaha its funny how everythings 3d then the water fountain thing is like flat, HAHAHA! Made my day.
MARCO. 14:40 15/Oct/05
That's a pretty sick park. I live close to Thornleigh so I might check it out when it opens.
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