parramatta bowl

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 11:32 20/Aug/05

Looks like a slight variation of Marulan to me. I hope it's not going to be as tight as it, cause all I've heard is that it's fun, but you wouldn't want it as your local.

pitbull 06:18 21/Aug/05

Hey Guroo when you say variety what exactly would you like to see out of a vert ramp?I can think of three different ramps in Melbourne besides Pahran that would provide different types of trannys and plenty of fun.Boys keep the bowls coming.

steve t 22:50 21/Aug/05

Still no start here in Parramatta. The street section (for Errol) is exisitng and pre-fab one star fare.

I'll give Council a call and see what's happening.....

GurooLotag 10:08 24/Aug/05

Good point pitbull..
maybe not a vert ramp as such...8-10 foot 1/2's are soooo much fun, you just seem to get a lot more ppl on them. They are good to get the young'n into vert while still having what it takes to learn proper late grabs.. channels too... not too wide ..maybe 2 foot - 2 1/2 foot. Oh yeah big ass coping. Maybe an extension, solid vert and at least 1 foot. Not dead centre either offset slightly is much better.

But really dont get me wrong, i like my bowls, but we are starting to get bowl saturation... much like the mid to late 80's when the councils of oz stamped out tons of 10->12 vert ramps..... we are coming close to a bowl epidemic. So a ramp or two would really balance the scene a little. And a plaza or two 2 for the young'ns... oh well thats my rant....more beer.....

Oh wait..... at least we have these parks..let us NEVER return to the early 90's again !

TE 10:36 24/Aug/05

hahahaha agreed with the rant and more beer to boot

steve t 22:32 24/Aug/05

You may have bowl saturation in Melbs but we dont in Sydney - especially western Sydney. This will be our only bowl.

The co. that did Riverwood (Concrete Skateparks?) are doing it so chances are it'll be good!

GurooLotag 01:42 25/Aug/05

Yeah they know their shit for sure. Should be a ripper.

mosu101 01:55 25/Aug/05

Isnt Parra now the center of Sydney?

steve t 03:44 25/Aug/05

So they say mosu - population-wise.

Can't wait to roll in the parra bowl!

pitbull 09:14 25/Aug/05

Yeah I know what your saying,I don't think Melbs has to many bowls, Councils want terrain that people are going to use on mass ie.plaza/street park,without our great mates at convic and concrete sk8parks thats what we would get.Any bowl we get is a bonus and for you boys out west in Sydney I'm sure it would be closer to winning lotto
Thats my rant

GurooLotag 10:59 25/Aug/05

No hate was ever intended towards convic or concrete ppl's. They are F*&^ing champions each and every one of em... They respond quickly to enquires, and build parks to spec, quickly and build em well. Box Hill is Sick, but wouldnt want it as my local, i am just tooooo set in ways I suppose. But it is so damn good to have the facilities that we do now, I dont want to come off as some bitching ingrate. Any park is a good park but I just love a 1/2..

oh yeah... rumor has it The Shed is soon to get a new 8-9 foot tall 1/2........

steve t 22:58 29/Aug/05

Surveyors on site this morning.

GroundHangers 08:11 30/Aug/05

Wow theres a start, how arousing.

mosu101 09:28 30/Aug/05

if surveyors are you thing...

steve t 01:40 31/Aug/05

Pegged out yesterday and excavation started today.

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