Nubeena Bowl

'Bigal' 04:39 22/Feb/06

that concrete looks smooth as

Surfer Sam 06:37 24/Feb/06

....two of these...

RE: Nubeena Bowl

Surfer Sam 07:38 25/Feb/06


RE: Nubeena Bowl

.JAKE. 05:04 26/Feb/06

thats heaps mad

Leaf... 07:50 27/Feb/06

i did some laps of the bowl yesterday

Surfer Sam 06:08 02/Mar/06

RE: Nubeena Bowl

mc wack 06:40 02/Mar/06

i love the love seat

.JAKE. 07:37 02/Mar/06

that parks going to be so fun

GG UNIT 08:46 02/Mar/06

i like the red

Mindblank 10:45 02/Mar/06

nah seriously why does every park in tasmania just have to be quaters mainly like what the hell
seriously surfer sam like when are you actully going to make a skatepark you may like to ride tranny and shit but not everyone in tassie does?
there are already soo many parks that are just like that

LaIf.i!.____* 12:47 02/Mar/06

Sweet, so whens it gonna be finished and skatable?

Surfer Sam 20:47 02/Mar/06

...last pour is on Thursday next week. I have a few items to install such as a bench and rails etc... but will be skateable next weekend.

GG UNIT 21:38 02/Mar/06

wheres the last pour going?

Surfer Sam 02:47 03/Mar/06

on the park hopefully......

LaIf.i!.____* 09:47 03/Mar/06

HAHAHA, that was actually good!

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