Moonah Street Park

JAMES R 10:41 20/Mar/06

who r u's getting to build it, 60,000 will be tight

sminglers 11:04 20/Mar/06

ill chip in 20 bucks then it will be right

Surfer Sam 20:50 20/Mar/06

...most likely I will be building it, you guys can come by and lend a hand if ya want.

I'll let you know more when I know more.

Chilly 04:30 21/Mar/06

Those down rails better not be like taroona sized ones

Surfer Sam 05:07 21/Mar/06


GG UNIT 06:03 21/Mar/06

that was a joke right?

Surfer Sam 09:43 21/Mar/06


sminglers 08:09 25/Mar/06


Surfer Sam 00:56 26/Mar/06

...dealing with the Council is never easy. They (or someone) are reluctant to go for such a good park, and are insisting that their proposal - the pre-fab stuff is "the way to go".... comments such as "...we don't want to atract too many people to it...." and "....the elderly residents are concerned about the design...."

and I ask, do you build skateparks for the over 70's??

please, call Sue Bizwinkle at the Glenorchy City Council, and have your say.... prefab shite, or sick street park.

Sue bis Winckel
Community Participation Coordinator
City of Glenorchy
03 6216 6369

JAMES R 01:25 26/Mar/06

who r u getting to build it? will $60,000 be enough?

Brockers 07:14 26/Mar/06

i know all the hobart people wont care bout my opinion but i think that skateparks are meant to be mostly made up of transition. like people who skate street obstacles can do that in the street but like bowl skaters to need skateparks to skate considering the chances of finding a bowl sitting in the middle of the streets are like a thousand million to one. sorry bout my nag but yeah thats just what it think so go with the bowl park.

Brockers 07:22 26/Mar/06

Surfer Sam

19:06 20/Mar
me too.... but the Council were a bit concerned about a 2m deep bowl in a "beginners" skatepark.

yeah i didnt read this before. man dont make it 2 meters deep then. seriuosly with a bowl like that it could be like 2 feet tall and it would still be fucking awesome. and what the fuck is a "beginners" skatepark. just hella small shit for the youngens?

GG UNIT 07:46 26/Mar/06

shut up fagot

GG UNIT 07:47 26/Mar/06

hah gammin

Brockers 07:48 26/Mar/06

hahah awesome debating gg. ive got nothing now. you shut me down good. hehehe

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