Manly Vale - 5 weeks away.

singha_is 13:55 01/Jun/06

hats alright, id skate it.

wheres manly vale, obvously next to manly?

but like towards ahrboard or the other way?

Is this even in NSW?


p o c o 23:03 01/Jun/06

500 metres south from the mall on the same side of pittwater's well in new south wales.

100mph 11:55 03/Jun/06

i hope the bowl turns out good because the street looks jacked..

Lou Bee
Lou Bee 12:27 04/Jun/06


Ville 15:03 04/Jun/06

pathetic....but i guess its better than nothing!!!!

Pete Oste
Pete Oste 03:43 13/Jun/06


p o c o 06:35 13/Jun/06

couple of blocks from what i've seen driving by.
looks like it will be done sooner than expected.

alex... 10:41 03/Jul/06

I just climed the fence and had a look around, and its looking pretty good, but everything is big. So far there is the curved block, some banks which are well steep, a rail which is about waist height and the pool is built partially but has no concrete fill yet. The pool coping is about half way done, so i reckon the park is looking alright.

Im also really keen for getting lights at the skatepark that would be so rad.

alex... 10:42 03/Jul/06

Theres some other shit too which i cant be bothered trying to explain what they are.


slapshot 09:11 05/Jul/06

it aint getting lights

CG 22:28 06/Jul/06

In regards to the 1% of people who can skate that park post.

Sure, you might not be able to skate it right away - but surely if you learn how to skate it, you'll be in that 1% and that percentage will rise with more kids learning new things.

It's called progression - that's why there are so many different skateparks, you're a fool if you want the same mundane park in each suburb.

Skating is about progression.

sk8-2nil8 12:03 08/Jul/06

Guess we'll have to see how it turns out, The bowl does look really small, more like a fish pond than a pool, but then again, I haven't seen anything like it, so at least it's original. Could be fun. Looking forward to having a smooth park to roll around in on the northern beaches, sick of all the others, Keirle is still fun but gets boring pretty quick, Will be nice to have something different close to home. All this rain we've had looks like it's slowed the construction down a bit.

Jonnie 02:41 17/Jul/06

CG i believe we are talking about "skateboarding" here..... and maby rollerblading is all about progression and being as good as your boyfriend, but im fair sure everyone on this site skates for fun.....

Leigh Boom 03:51 17/Jul/06

I'm with you Jonnie Skatboarding is fun and is all about fun..
I'm keen to have a look next time i'm down that way..

singha_is 07:00 17/Jul/06

just fill the pool up and then in the summer u can swim and skate, at the same venue, as un serious as i am, there is a serious side to this!

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