ring of fire street course

dubs 10:20 12/Nov/05

when i build parks in tony hawk, I would never put a pole in the way...

JV Spike
JV Spike 10:27 12/Nov/05

it isn't in the way really. it is were the camel hump is. you dont really realise that it is there wen youare skateing anyways.

and it's not like they just "PUT IT THERE" if they took it out, that old chocolate factory would probably fall down.

hes so hot right now 07:50 13/Nov/05

theres actually like 3 metres runup for the ledges and if your still winging with that then damn ollie up the euro turn on the wall and get speed that way ya dipstick

JV Spike
JV Spike 09:05 13/Nov/05

i'm too shit to turn on that wall. too steep for me

hes so hot right now 05:08 14/Nov/05

haha get on that wall!!!!!!!!!

zbd 06:33 15/Nov/05

you cant see it in the foto but in behind and to the right of the camera is and oververt bit. well, there was framework for it when i last checked it out. more runs in the bowl if ppl got the street to ride though. yo, flahz hurry up and THAT SECRET PLACE THAT SHOULD NOT BE NAMED mission with us. keen as

JV Spike
JV Spike 11:03 21/Dec/05

i'm going again in a couple of weeks. i'll take some pics

sylva skater 14:25 21/Dec/05

i remember seein a soccer field in south africa with a tree in the middle.

p.u.r.i.t.y 04:10 22/Dec/05

i went past the factory where it is today and it had a sign on the side of the main road saying"sk8 park open now" does that mean the street course is completed??

drew 04:12 22/Dec/05

no it dosn't.........

but a few sections are finished and are good fun

JV Spike
JV Spike 12:07 25/Dec/05

you CAN skate the street corse, just not the whole thing as some parts are covered with electrical cables and plainers and belt sanders.....

skateable is camels hump, large part of funbox, bank, sorta curvy bank bit and the euro with ledges

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