Motley 14:33 04/Dec/04

Hey, how are you going?
Yeah I have heard and it seems you are the one in the know, have you posted any footage I could watch and learn from?

Tristan' 00:04 05/Dec/04

ledgewax video

Andrew.D 00:36 05/Dec/04

you dont wanna learn from that vid and shutdown would say that too

elder 04:45 05/Dec/04

fuck that shit was classic.

by classic i mean bomb wack (Y)
of course ... 'coz im so good i got some footage in it

Even when the fisheye was dirty as fuck and coming from a bottom of the line one chipper

enough bragging though
shutdowns got it goin awn.

mitchyPOO 08:27 05/Dec/04

yer shutdown should post some footy in here
or is there a BIGGG production in the works?

marty. 09:41 05/Dec/04


shutdown 21:36 05/Dec/04

haha. Nah theres nothin big out there on the horizon boys. Got some more 1-chippa action comin out soon on a new website ( but its a bit of a mish mash of crew filming and 1-chippa bootlegs. I didnt really film any of it (minus the odd trick here and there). And as for when the site will be ready? Who knows. Maybe this week, maybe next week, maybe next year.

But here is a small clip I made ages ago and everyone has already seen. This was filmed on VX1000 ntsc and death. I also did the editing on this one also. And yeah, the titles look wack but thats life.

shutdown 21:39 05/Dec/04

and yeah, ledgegwax VHS was wack. All one chippas , analogue cams and 70 dollar fisheye lenses. Locals got into it tho and thats all that matters..

mitchyPOO 00:49 06/Dec/04

that was cool
whens the vid out?

shutdown 02:01 06/Dec/04

you serious?

how many times, there IS NO VID!

PIG. 02:18 06/Dec/04

Shutdown, do you go to newi most weekends???

PIG. 02:20 06/Dec/04

BTW, that vid was sick
nollie heel was fucking rad
and the gangsta rapping front board reeked of steeze

shutdown 03:01 06/Dec/04

cheers pig. pretty old vid tho. n yeh, im in newy like 2 outt 3 weekends..

hellraizar 03:39 06/Dec/04

is that nollie over the rail at the abandoned tafe in newcastle ???

Motley 04:50 06/Dec/04

yeah! that was rad, that rail - russell grundy? first trick - landing looks so fucking sketch, just looks like dirt/leaves?

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