whats the best video edit?

captainsensible 11:22 02/Jul/05

whats the best program to edit vids with and were can i download it free.

Lazarus219 11:34 02/Jul/05

premiere pro
final cut pro

ben' 14:03 02/Jul/05

which one is better premiere or final cut??

iv got premiere but i wanna see what final cut is like but because of my poor download speeds it will take too long and may not be worth it...unless people say its a good program

Frank.C 14:20 02/Jul/05

Final Cut for Mac users, Premiere for PC users.

Lazarus219 23:57 02/Jul/05

yep, they are both damn good, but if your on a PC final cut isnt an option

Mers 01:52 03/Jul/05

adobe does complete app demos on their website, so you only need a crack which narrows down the sketchy downloading to a minimum

lorenz 02:14 03/Jul/05

final cut = the shit

ben' 11:21 03/Jul/05

yea mers i downloaded premiere off of limewire and it came with the registration code in a .txt file and when i downloaded quicktime pro it came with a crack

Mers 23:33 03/Jul/05

yeah thats cool, one time i downloaded reason 3 and it came with a virus

SHORTS. 09:11 04/Jul/05

frank c's on the money

DANGER MOUSE. 09:28 04/Jul/05

premiare 6.0 (Y) fuk all tha tnew shit off....

aws 12:39 04/Jul/05

theres some way of havning final **** for pc
i no some dude who has it

PIG. 12:49 04/Jul/05

umm, maybe a mac emulator
the best way to get it is to throw your PC out your window and buy a mac

yes everyone buy mac

god that comments going to go down well

davo_20 15:03 04/Jul/05

Doesn't go down as well as you PIG!

Nate Dawg 15:30 04/Jul/05

If you wanna do any sort of serious editing, PIG is right, macs are the only way to go. However, most people are super tight-arses and can only afford PC's so just get some version of Premiere and get After Effects as well.

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