skateboards and my camera

KILLSELF 02:36 10/Jul/05

I think my camera has a big fat red target on it cause no matter when, where, who, why it's getting disrespected. It's just no fair anymore.

m-hod 02:51 10/Jul/05

what sprt of camera do you have?

gay fag 03:01 10/Jul/05

24 shot kodak disposable

KILLSELF 03:16 10/Jul/05

It's actually this special 1 shot disposable. If skaters don't land their shit 1st go i aren't shooting that shit again.

mitchypoo. 07:33 10/Jul/05

choi u didnt broked it againnn did you?

KILLSELF 07:41 10/Jul/05

read myspace blog for story mitchy...

Bennay 08:50 10/Jul/05

i saw the ding it took from matty johnson in killself, make all the skaters that have hit it pay for a new one.

PIG. 10:44 10/Jul/05

alternatively buy a vx2100 and put a mk2 on it so you don thave to stand 2 inches from the skater;)

DANGER MOUSE. 10:47 10/Jul/05

ORRRRRRR we could hav an mk1 and get close and make it look good and occasionally take a lil impact but its all worth it anywayz.....MK2 DIE NOW

milkshake 11:26 10/Jul/05


PIG. 12:25 10/Jul/05

you can make mk2 look good
i guess you just need a little skill
sorry of that scares you boys

(ps, im just stirring, please not another mk1 mk2 thread)

DANGER MOUSE. 02:14 11/Jul/05

HAHAHA i was also stirring the pot lol i dont really give a shit wat lens ppl use as long as its used well and the image turns out good... YES a good image is acheivable from both lenses for all you skateperception folks out thr.....

shutdown 05:47 11/Jul/05

mk1 for life..

being close to the action exaggerates the impact of the shot. Its why mk2 vids look chat. They all feel like you are standing back from the goods.

Im a strong believer that you have enough time to pull your camera away from a shoot out. Many times I have saved my cam with a swift tuck inside the arm to take it on the elbow. You have enough reaction time to pull away even on the fastest shootours so dont blame your camera as being unlucky, blame yourself for not being fast enough. Down side is, you might pull away from a mis-fire on occasion (one which doesnt shoot out) but you get better at telling the difference by the way the skater enters the trick.

mitchypoo. 06:42 11/Jul/05

my cameras a gnarly **** it has taken mad hits and still goes strong
luvs the pain
rahhh etc

DANGER MOUSE. 11:41 11/Jul/05

it can be very hard 2 pull away if ur looking throught he eye peice sumtimes, cos of the lens u think u hav more room or time and ur head is in the way of which way u wanna move the camera....

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