Canon Nikon comparison

Tweeeek 10:10 04/Aug/05

this thread might come up twice sorry if it did my internet fukd
I tryn to decide now that i hav the cash should i go for Nikon D2h or Canon 1d (posibly mk2 if i can save mor)
iv lookd into it and all i can see to compare is the canon having a larger sensor givin better quality and having faster flash syn
but then evyone knows nikon has the fisheye wich i tryin to decide wether i need or not but it only has flash sync at 250 is that fast enbough? i dont know much about flash setups so could anyone tell me wich camera would be better
both cameras are around 4.1mp and hav 8fps so thers not much to decide on and i was just hoping somone here could give me some advice as i am reallys stuck

m-hod 10:12 04/Aug/05

get a 1d mkII.

Tweeeek 10:16 04/Aug/05

theyr kind of expensive is the only problem

Frank.C 10:57 04/Aug/05

Go the D2H. I'm guessing your going to want to be using this for sequencing mainly so go for the D2H. If your not really looking at sequencing i'd suggest looking at a 20D, D70 or D50. Work out what you wan't to use the body for, if your looking for an all purpose body i'd go with something like the D50/D70. You shoot nikon at the moment don't you?

Tweeeek 11:08 04/Aug/05

nah i use a minolta slr,
yeh i would like a camera for sequencing but other than that i been told that 4mp is plenty and the only thing i see better in those cams is the high res

barrel 11:12 04/Aug/05

hey tweek, how much have you got to spend?

i know someone selling a 1dmarkII for an excellent price. i'd buy it myself if i didn't already have one :)

the 1dII shits on the d2h. the d2x is a different story but i get the feeling that may be out of your price range.

and yeah, 1/250 is plenty fast enough for flash sync. its all about strobe duration for skate anyway. if you need a faster sync, use 550ex's (or sb-800's) which can be used up to 1/8000 (lose power that way though)

Tweeeek 11:35 04/Aug/05

ohh ok thanks barrel yeh d2x is bit pricey how much is this 1dmark2 going for ?

jerrysk8 11:37 04/Aug/05

yeah barrel how much for the mkii? i'm interested if tweak isn't . keen to upgrade my mki now

Tweeeek 11:41 04/Aug/05

yeh i very interested as it is fukn hard to find a good cheap camera second hand or anything in perth so COME ON cant you feel for me and looks like hartley tryn to get in on it aswel

barrel 11:51 04/Aug/05

bloody oath, look what i've started!

the guy's asking price is $4500 but you may get it down a bit. he's not exactly giving it away but shit, thats cheaper than i got mine from the US for.

didn't realise there'd be so much interest. don't really know how to play it fair.

elder 11:52 04/Aug/05

fuck... had this 300d since may 2004 and looking to upgrade - watching others around me looking into 1D!?!?! fucking hell!

barrel 12:13 04/Aug/05

anyway, i've got to get up at 5:30 so i'm going to bed. if anyone is genuinely interested in buying the 1dII and has access to $4500 email me at and i'll try and sort something out tomorrow.

Tweeeek 13:13 04/Aug/05

damn i dont have that much yet
would u be intrestd in selling your mk1 jerrysk8?

RoryL 15:06 04/Aug/05

nikon has better image quality than canon, its a fact. especially around the edges of photos, plus canons have a shorter depth of field. which can be good for portraiture stuff, but i would prefer a better depth of field to shoot skating. maybe get yourself a cheap d2h second hand from the states, and if your worried about 1/250 shutter get a d50 for $800US later down the track. syncs at 1/500 and is 6.1mp... and also if you get the 10.5 mm fisheye you will have full frame fisheye on both cameras but the canon will give you that horrible cropped look with a 19mm fisheye. ugh it looks ugly as shit

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