my first fisheye fotos

.JAKE. 09:26 13/May/06

ren switch heel

my first fisheye fotos

.JAKE. 09:26 13/May/06

brad ollie

RE: my first fisheye fotos

.JAKE. 09:27 13/May/06

blake backsmith

RE: my first fisheye fotos

.JAKE. 09:27 13/May/06

luke front smith

RE: my first fisheye fotos

.JAKE. 09:28 13/May/06

nick frontside smith

RE: my first fisheye fotos

vulture steez 09:29 13/May/06

sick.. you should get rid of the vigenating

/m.allen/ 09:31 13/May/06

not too bad

.JAKE. 09:34 13/May/06

oh and one more
luke nosegrind (not the best foto)

RE: my first fisheye fotos

oopspoops 09:35 13/May/06

i love bell kids. bell kids forever!

clockwork 10:30 13/May/06

Zoom in a little so you don't get the vignetting (black stuff at corners)...otherwise looks like a nice lense.

.JAKE. 10:53 13/May/06

yer the vig is pretty shitty

sponno? 10:59 13/May/06

just looks like a 50mm with black poo on the corners

clockwork 11:48 13/May/06

2 minute edit.

RE: my first fisheye fotos

.JAKE. 12:22 13/May/06

thats pretty cool, ill start doing that wif my fotos now.

pro alert 13:27 13/May/06

2 second edit

RE: my first fisheye fotos

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