watermarking: do's and dont's

tinbum 01:03 06/Aug/14

So whats everyones thoughts on watermarking photos / videos that have been done as a commission piece. For photography its a no brainer that you wouldnt watermark a photo thats getting run in a magazine. So why is it ok for a filmer to put "filmed and edited by _____" at the end of a clip that they have been paid to make, and why do the people who pay for the clip overlook this. I guess as a filmer myself you would think id be all for butting my name all over my clips. But you know what, i just think its kind of gay. I got no probs with a personal bookend being slapped on a clip thats on your own youtube channel, but if someones paying you to make a clip for them, then dont try to make their video all about you.

Anyone elses thoughts on this matter?

Evanz 01:20 06/Aug/14

Yeah you pretty much nailed it, if I'm getting paid to produce a clip for a company I don't expect to be credited for it. The only reason I see to be credited is if it's unpaid work and compensation is the exposure or if it's just required in the credits eg. SbA clips... But if it's purely you're own project for your own video platform/exposure than credit away.

drew 01:22 06/Aug/14

I'm not a fan of watermarks credits on photos, just because it detracts from the pure aesthetics of the image. It doesn't bother me at all with videos.

Evanz 01:25 06/Aug/14

Yeah watermarks on photos shit me... I understand why they're used but they're just a huge distraction ^

LeoT 01:48 06/Aug/14

It seems in vogue these days to put credits in the text description below, rather than burnt into the video. Definitely not for bread and butter stuff, but maybe for things you are stoked on and may get you more work.

choppa 02:06 06/Aug/14


tinbum 07:09 06/Aug/14

That was really good use of sarcasm. Ironically, this is the "film" forum where things that aren't such a "huge topic" are posted.
Sorry that you just made yourself look like a dumb dumb.

walker94 07:26 06/Aug/14

Watermark on photo - distracts your view of the photo, displeasing to the eye when viewing photo, is actually on the photo

Credits after a video - Doesn't take anything away from the video, isn't even in the video itself, no one cares about credits. I don't get how this could bother anyone.

walker94 07:26 06/Aug/14

I think "lame" is a better word to use than "gay" too, do people still say that?

-T.L.F- 07:36 06/Aug/14

what do you do when someone uses your photo without permission or compensation and secondly TINBUM GETS PAID TO FILM?????WTF

tuaki 07:38 06/Aug/14

I like watermarks. They make the photo look all official and shit.

tinbum 21:55 06/Aug/14

i think the kids these days are saying "gheeeey' instead of "gay". My bad.

.SYLVA 00:44 07/Aug/14

Crediting videos/films is a tough one cause at the end of the day its a product made by the directors and producers, and its good that they get acknowledged as they are just as important as the main talent.
Its not always about the excutive company that funds it and sits back to take all the credit.
The little hardworking guys should get the credit they deserve.

Im talking more about feature length clips or short films etc rather then just another short 3xtr3m3 sk8 klip

Old Mate Brhino
Old Mate Brhino 02:26 07/Aug/14

I rekon peoples work should be acknowledged, i like knowing who filmed a clip and who they're getting hired by, don't ask me why, im just a curious asswhipe in that way. With photos, as long as it doesn't distract you from the shot itself i don't have a problem with it. but then again, only photographers would care enough to check who shot the trick

Jamish- 02:31 07/Aug/14

Isn't every photo in Slam/ Skateboarders journal watermarked with the photographers name somewhere on the page?

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