MX3000 vs MK2 comparison

PIG. 00:51 19/Jun/05

its not the look, its the fact it was made for the vx2_00's, its the fact the lens is strong as a muthafucker.
Seeing as you bought a vx1000 NTSC to be lik ethe rest of the cocksmoking perception fools your opinions are nul and void
you dont count
at all

#NESB# 01:13 19/Jun/05

I bought a vx1000 beacuse they are the (BEST FOR FILMING SKATEBOARDING) i cant see how you cant understand that and as for the ntsc goes i got ntsc because i prefer the look. I have had pal but i like ntsc better it's a personal choice you dumbshit. So my opinoin does count prob much more then yours. Have you ever used a vx1 pig ?

And before u shoot back at me with "have u ever used a vx2100 and 2000?" yes i have and the vx1000 is better for skateing deal with it!

And as for the mk1 and mk2 they are both strong. But i dont know how strong a motherfucker is so i dont see were that comes in at all! P.s pig you are a joke

#NESB# 01:32 19/Jun/05

Yes you should get straigh into them pig!

jerrysk8 02:15 19/Jun/05

you have a vx1k???

jerrysk8 03:09 19/Jun/05

next time i'm on the coast maybe i'll try to remember. w'ends are pretty busy atm.

#NESB# 03:43 19/Jun/05

thats cool just anytime you have the time im keen well talk to you later peace.

PIG. 05:03 19/Jun/05


19/06/2005 11:32:43
Yes you should get straigh into them pig!

you seriously have the worst comebacks in the world
im even putting you ahead of todd
dont play with the bigboys little man

mitchypoo. 05:54 19/Jun/05

pig will just hafto learn the hard i spose
the cocksmokers on perception?
dude theyre the people that have portfolios boasting footage in the professional american videos.
the big boys? what do you mean

mitchypoo. 06:04 19/Jun/05

the hard way*

#NESB# 06:17 19/Jun/05

pig i dont wanna play with the over weight big boys like you in there gay little cars with there shitty cam's

PIG. 01:20 20/Jun/05

Mitch, i was not talking about the actual experienced members
just the tools
when i do get the honour of meeting you, i will punch you in the nose
i promise

skram 01:37 20/Jun/05

nesb - you would have to be the biggest tool ever!

i am shaking my head right now and laughing to myself.

i wish i was a wanker - but had a good camera to make me feel better.

Your camera is not justification matey.

good luck to you.

#NESB# 03:04 20/Jun/05

pig u wont be punchin me in the nose!
you get so cut over little things ok i like my camera and lens you like yours! you seem to hate anyone who has a vx1000 and mk1 i donno why i dont hate evryone with vx2100 what is your problem? i am only joking callin u fat i havnt ever seen you. its just siply a joke just chill dude no need for all the hate.

skram i dont think my camera is the greatest i just think it is good for what i yous it for. As for you thinkin i am the biggest tool go for it you dont know me and i dont know you so thats a preety shit way to judge somone! but do whateva pleases you peace! No hate

skram 03:11 20/Jun/05

you are indeed correct mate.

we dont know each other, and hopefully never will.
I am saying what you write on here makes you sound like a tool.

i have never seen any of your work on here so maybe post up some shots and we can see someone putting a 'good' camera to 'good' use?

lots of hate.


jerrysk8 03:45 20/Jun/05

okay kiddies. enough of the hating.

I met a kid who dropped 4 grand on a vx1k and spent $400 on a raynox lens that he said he cut an awesome deal on. what a loser.

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