whats the best video edit?

PIG. 15:38 04/Jul/05

nothign does davo...NOTHING

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 00:21 05/Jul/05

Why don't you just leapfrog all these suckas with their FCP v Premiere banter and get a copy of Avid Symphony or Media Composer?

And for all those fools that say, Bah, who needs all the new stuff in Premiere Pro. Well, you're missing out on a pretty good colour corrector (which a lot of you should learn to use)

pro alert 02:33 05/Jul/05

haha as if this guy is that serious to buy a mac..and anyway- you can do just as good a job on pc if you know how to use the colour corrector

pc's for life

LIBERTINE 03:35 06/Jul/05

commodore 64 though?

cliche' 05:19 06/Jul/05

what versions are the best of premiere pro , what should i get , i got cable so i can download it no matter how big

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 06:59 06/Jul/05

Pro 1.5 is the latest release (AGAIN). Not 7!

Kr3wsin 10:43 08/Jul/05

i downloaded premiere pro 7 and i need a serial number....any of you guys have one??

Gosford 11:00 08/Jul/05

$mo-money$ 07:50 09/Jul/05

i was just wondering what do they use to edit pro video's???

D-Wild* 10:02 09/Jul/05

you all have it wrong

mac : Imovie
PC: Windows Movie Maker

There the best editing programs by far, pro videos use tem

KLRS 10:04 09/Jul/05

For all you smart computer guys out there

i have quicktime version 6.5.2 and i want to get pro so i was hoping someone could give me their 'register to' name and 'register number'
if that works

$mo-money$ 10:17 09/Jul/05

shut up danny hahaha

ben' 12:07 09/Jul/05

pc's are the best because you can do all sorts of things with them but i do not know if you can install linux on a mac

pro alert 14:37 09/Jul/05

fuck shuttup asking for serials, takes 0.001 secs to search on google

all the major teams use windows movie maker because of the complex coding it offers

ben' 08:43 10/Jul/05

no one will give you there registration code, anyway quicktime pro isnt that good its exactly the same pretty much

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