AE help plz

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 05:42 07/Jul/05

Oh yeah, the red around my ear is the strap on my helmet.

Fetus 12:57 07/Jul/05

Well, maybe I did it the hard way too...
The rainbow is only there for a second or two, as it comes out of Bazzas tail as he goes over the hip doing a handplant. So the rainbow makes the arc shap as it follows him.

-made a rainbow in pshop
-chucked it in AE
-made it a 3D layer
-animated orientation keyframes to make it line up with the way bazza was turnin
-animated some masks to reveal the rainbow as his tail passes over it.

You'll see what I mean when you see the video.

It would be a bit harder to do if you wanted a continuous trail following someone around a ramp though...

ergh, yeh so helmets still need straps these days eh!

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 13:40 07/Jul/05

I getcha Fetus. Did it turn out the way you imagined it would?

What I did with an initial test was film a static shot of myself doin a tailslide on a quarter. Then I masked myself for every frame and made 5 copies of the masked footage. Umm.. Maybe i should write in point form to cut down a long reading experience.

-coloured the 5 layers with the colour corrector.
-staggered the playback position of each layer by a frame or two.
-turned on all the masks
-placed a final un-corrected masked copy over the top of all the coloured versions.

In the end it gave me a trail of tinted versions of myself just like an Earth, Wind and Fire 70s video clip. haha.. Which was the inspiration for this effect exercise in the first place.

This is what I wanted to do with the vert clip, but realised far too late that the tinted copies would be out of position because of all the camera movement. Hmm.. Maybe if I stabalize the shot with a tracker I could do it. I'm so glad that I just thought of that. haha..

Fetus 14:06 07/Jul/05

Yeh, it's different to what I was doin but I get ya.

Mine turned out how I wanted...isn't it nice when things work!

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