Processing costs

hartley 06:11 07/Aug/05

8.50 a roll (36) developed and cut for E6!!
I can develop it at TAFE but i'm shit with water marks on them!!
I do my own BW, cross processing and scanning there!

Andrew. 08:15 07/Aug/05

i use vison graphics... so do a few of the other guys in sydney...
other are "the lab" in waterloo, miller goes there and swears by it.. i dont know never geen there...
there photo technica near central...
they are really really good...
and cheap just further from the station so i dont go there cos visions closer...

umm at photo technica its like 6.60 with a student discount for a roll of 36 slide film...
and same for b/w colour and cross proc(actually dont quote me on cross proc, but i think so, ive only ever done x proc at vision)...

i can hghly recomend vision or photo technica, both can normally do any dev in 2 hours, but prints or proofs or scans is like 24 hours....

both really cheap and never had any problems real nice service, vision graphics is closer to the station, but photo tech is cheaper...


Fetus 11:17 07/Aug/05

Sweet thanks for the tips lads.

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