Andrews home for unwanted photos.

RealFakeSteeze 10:28 10/Jan/13

haha reynolds take off is fresh

drew 22:05 10/Jan/13

what he said ^

Chip. 00:23 11/Jan/13

last one rulz

Bibbyphoto 11:45 13/Jan/13

Thanks for the feedback guys. Try to leave your grudges behind on this one.

Sven Fs 5-0

RE: Andrews home for unwanted photos.

Tim B.
Tim B. 23:20 13/Jan/13

Don't know photo words but i like how that one is all crispy where he's skating and soft everywhere else.

Reynolds angle and Lakes boneless are sick too!

Adam S
Adam S 01:05 14/Jan/13

fuck yeah bibby, head wacken, durrie smokin, blood pissin one is grouse. so is front feebs

Surfin Santa
Surfin Santa 02:02 14/Jan/13

I like Tim B's explanation of DoFz.

sk8y180 02:40 15/Jan/13

Oh come on Mr Bibby. Have some fun with it!
I'll tell you what every week until I get bored I'll post something amazing which this Sven bloke has done.
To quote "I know i'm not the best skater in New Zealand but I am at least in the top twenty!"

By the way. your photos are neat.

RE: Andrews home for unwanted photos.

walker94 08:21 15/Jan/13

hahahaha what a madcunt

cuntm8noworries 07:29 16/Jan/13

hahahahahha more of Sven franklin. The next pat gemzik

Tim B.
Tim B. 11:15 16/Jan/13

I like that Surfing Santa's profile links to a clip on ernie dingo, and that ernie dingo is still a website! That's fucking OG parx haha

Henerz. 01:31 30/Jan/13

I really cant believe that he even had a dip at that rail, if it is the one I'm thinking of in south Kenny? Shots look good mun.

Bibbyphoto 22:29 02/Feb/13

I've been lagging. Im currently in Vancouver and had a bit of time to dig about. Heres an old flick of Tim Regard with a Ss K

RE: Andrews home for unwanted photos.

Bibbyphoto 22:30 02/Feb/13

And Snapper K grinding away.

RE: Andrews home for unwanted photos.

gnar  gnar
gnar gnar 14:36 04/Feb/13

jesus christ I just found my account on the ernie dingo site!! holy shit, clips from 2004 that I thought were erased forever. the internet is incredible!

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