watermarking: do's and dont's

quickfix 03:20 07/Aug/14


Bibbyphoto 03:49 07/Aug/14

if its a photo you took and its on you're own platform i.e. tumblr/insta/fb etc leave it clean.

in magazines, the ed will ad, generally your last name to each image you have in there. its always small in skatemags. fashion mags will generally have it at the start of an editorial and include the model/Hair and makeup and some times the studio. ANYTHING ADVERTORIAL doesn't require you to be labeled anywhere. you got paid and Ad's pay the most so fuck it.

this is probe full of bad spelling sent act structure and grammar.... its the forumzzz....

Moey 01:07 10/Aug/14

There's a big difference between a watermark and a credit. Credits call out who created the work and watermarks are a big fugly transparent anti copyright message used by soccer dads and people from 2003. (and stock photo sites like Getty)

For the skateboarding world I think it's pretty simple. It's always circumstantial but yeah this is how I see it:

Photos - the photographer is always credited unless it's a photo that's been purchased for an ad. I don't think the company needs to credit the photographer once they've smacked their brand/logo all over it. If it's a photo for an interview, article or apart of some sort of pictorial feature, then duh, credit the photographer for their work. I personally like to know which photographer is behind the photo anyway.

Video: All filmers and the editor should be credited at the end of the video, unless it's for a video campaign promoting a product and representing a brand.

RE: watermarking: do's and dont's

drew 22:52 11/Aug/14

and no fake borders either please

rigbyluke 00:09 12/Aug/14

Moey , couldnt agree more

i wear moccos
i wear moccos 03:47 12/Aug/14

The best watermark is when it takes up 1/4 of the photo and looks like it had more time spent on it than the actual photo.
No one is going to steal your photo of your mate nosegrinding the flatbar at the skatepark, calm down guys.

In terms of filming, having the filmer listed somewhere, either on the youtube description or in the credits is great, it's the same as in any real movie where they list everyone from the main actor to the guy who got coffees.

Shaka bruh
Shaka bruh 06:06 20/Aug/14

No so much about watermarks, but kind of, who do think owns footage when it's filmed?
The skater?
Or the filmer?

Nate Dawg
Nate Dawg 09:06 20/Aug/14

If a skater skates and nobody is there to film it, did they really skate at all..?

Fetus 13:57 20/Aug/14

^^ haha

now down to the even bigger issue - credits in an intro BEFORE the clip

drew 23:14 20/Aug/14

"credits in an intro BEFORE the clip"

better be a good clip

tinbum 01:52 21/Aug/14

thats how they used to run the credits for movies back in the 80s. and god damn those were some good flicks. never ending story and such

drew 02:09 21/Aug/14

martinbum scorsese

Fetus 10:23 21/Aug/14

I noticed the pre-clip producer credit trend starting in music videos.
Get that shit outta my face and cut to the twerking!!!!

Now onto the EVEN BIGGER ISSUE - 'get bigger' watermarks on porno videos

Sexcrime 05:57 26/Aug/14

you're a fuckin piece of shit tinbum

hamidcunt 08:08 26/Aug/14

if its a photo you took and its on you're own platform i.e. tumblr/insta/fb etc leave it clean.

in magazines, the ed will ad, generally your last name to each image you have in there. its always small in skatemags. fashion mags will generally have it at the start of an editorial and include the model/Hair and makeup and some times the studio. ANYTHING ADVERTORIAL doesn't require you to be labeled anywhere. you got paid and Ad's pay the most so fuck it.

this is probe full of bad spelling sent act structure and grammar.... its the forumzzz....

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