Canon EOS

stefan 08:15 24/Jun/05

Jerry is right on the money with every word.

There are far more football photographers than skate photographers and they like the crop factor. Fisheyes aren't a big selling lens, never have been never will be.

I like the 1:3 because it gives me a bit more when I'm shooting long and with a 17mm I can still get close when shooting news etc. I'd rather do without a fisheye than have to spring for a 600mm to shoot field sports.
If I'm going to shoot skateboarding and I want a wider shot I'll put out the film camera (if I can remember where it is!)

I guess it all comes down to what you shoot most. If you only want to shoot skateboarding get an old manual film camera and a 15mm and be done with it.

elder 09:05 24/Jun/05

haha i guess i didnt break things down like that... so true. I know that skateboarding photography isnt popular in professional terms, but i was speaking more of pro-sumer / consumer end of things... Isn't that where most company's get there sales from? Sure skateboarding / other extreme sports aren't the biggest but it definately does contribute to sales.

Yeah..cropping is an advantage for long... i for one know this first hand in motorsport using the 300mm acting as 480mm... I guess I just couldn't really see the point of having 1.3 ... when you could go either way... full frame or 1.6....
maybe 1.3 is best of both worlds? ahah who knows. I've never tried out the 1.3 so i cant speak from experience.

I personally dont really care about the fisheye but it can be annoying with some wide angle things...

hmmmm good points though (from u guys)

barrel 09:46 24/Jun/05

i really love the 1.3x crop. because of the way the fisheye works compares to a rectilinear lens you get a lot better fish effect than you would think compared to a 1.6x crop cam.

you don't get the problems in the corners that you can with full frame and my 400 f2.8 looks like a 500 :)

having said that i wouldn't say no to a 1dsII either.

hartley 01:21 25/Jun/05

u have a 400mm 2.8!!!!1
HOOK A BROTHER UP, be poifect for surfing shots!

elder 09:26 25/Jun/05

thats probably why his name is "barrel" :P

barrel 06:23 26/Jun/05

actually, i got called barrel cause i was fat when i was a kid :)

elder 07:48 26/Jun/05

ahah oh well.. :P

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